About Us
The Wisconsin Master Logger Program is based on national standards set by the American Loggers Council and overseen by
the Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association. The Master Logger Committee is made up of current WIMLC members and
are voted into the committee based on their geographic locations. The committee insures compliance of program standards
and provides guidance for the program. The program is for loggers, by loggers.
A Certifying Board made up of industry representatives provides guidance to the Master Logger Committee and determines
certification status based on interviews and field audits.
The Program's exemplary standards enabled it to become a Green Tier member through the Wisconsin DNR. To learn more
about the Green Tier Program and read the Wisconsin Master Logger Environmental Results Charter, click here:
Environmental Results Charter.
The Wisconsin Master Logger Certification Program is supported by funding from the Wisconsin Sustainable Forestry
Initiative State Implementation Committee.
Wisconsin Master Logger Certification Program Committee Members
Jeff Bean, Earth Forestry of Sherry, Inc.
Aaron Burmeister, Burmeister Logging
Laura Delaney, Delaney Forest Products, LLC
Max Ericson, Ericson Logging
Matt Jensen, Whitetail Logging
Scott Koerner, Koerner Forest Products, Ltd.
Dennis Schoeneck, Enterprise Forest Products, Inc.
Jeremy Miller, Miller Timber Harvesting LLC
Wisconsin Master Logger Certification Program Board Members
Charlie Blinn, Dept. of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota
Scott Bowe, Professor & Wood Products Specialist, UW-Madison
Jim Warren, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources
Representative Jeff Mursau, Wisconsin State Assembly
Tim Pulskamp, Resource Manager, LP
Clyde Samsel, Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association
Josse Miller, Miller Logging, Inc., Michigan Master Logger
About Us
The Wisconsin Master Logger Program is based on
national standards set by the American Loggers
Council and overseen by the Great Lakes Timber
Professionals Association. The Master Logger
Committee is made up of current WIMLC members
and are voted into the committee based on their
geographic locations. The committee insures
compliance of program standards and provides
guidance for the program. The program is for
loggers, by loggers.
A Certifying Board made up of industry
representatives provides guidance to the Master
Logger Committee and determines certification
status based on interviews and field audits.
The Program's exemplary standards enabled it to
become a Green Tier member through the Wisconsin
DNR. To learn more about the Green Tier Program
and read the Wisconsin Master Logger
Environmental Results Charter, click here:
Environmental Results Charter.
The Wisconsin Master Logger Certification Program is
supported by funding from the Wisconsin
Sustainable Forestry Initiative State Implementation
Wisconsin Master Logger Certification Program
Committee Members
Jeff Bean, Earth Forestry of Sherry, Inc.
Aaron Burmeister, Burmeister Logging
Laura Delaney, Delaney Forest Products, LLC
Max Ericson, Ericson Logging
Matt Jensen, Whitetail Logging
Scott Koerner, Koerner Forest Products, Ltd.
Dennis Schoeneck, Enterprise Forest Products,
Jeremy Miller, Miller Timber Harvesting LLC
Wisconsin Master Logger Certification Program
Board Members
Charlie Blinn, Dept. of Forest Resources,
University of Minnesota
Scott Bowe, Professor & Wood Products
Specialist, UW-Madison
Jim Warren, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural
Representative Jeff Mursau, Wisconsin State
Tim Pulskamp, Resource Manager, LP
Clyde Samsel, Wisconsin Woodland Owners
Josse Miller, Miller Logging, Inc., Michigan
Master Logger